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We did a thing! Distillation of Lavender

We traveled to Winterton Farms, in Bloomingburg, NY, to learn about lavender distillation. Erika and Kent, the owners, were so kind to open their farm, home, and hearts to us. We loaded our dried Grosso and Phenomenal varieties of lavender into our truck and traveled 4 hours to the Catskill region of NY. After unloading and prepping the lavender (breaking it up into pieces), we loaded the distiller, and waited. When the lavender is ready to provide the hydrosol and oil, it makes the most beautiful smell (Erika told me that it is commonly called "angel mist"). The 80 plants worth of lavender we brought provided us with an unexpectedly large amount of oil and hydrosol. We are so appreciative to have experienced distilling and the newfound knowledge of how purchasing a still will open our farm to new opportunities. #auroralavenderfarm #wintertonfarms #lavenderfarm #lavenderdistillation #lavenderhydrosol # lavenderessentialoil

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